Student Handbook - Volunteer Opportunities
Student Handbook
We welcome and appreciate volunteers in both of our schools. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the school offices and they will let you know about volunteer opportunities and background check procedures.
School Improvement Council
The MHS/WES School Improvement Council is a representative, school-based committee that was established as a result of the 1993 Education Reform Act enacted by the Massachusetts legislature. The Council’s function is to advise the Principal on matters related to the school and to assist the Principal in preparing the School Improvement Plan (SIP) that reflects and supports the mission and goals of the Ashburnham-Westminster Regional School District (AWRSD). The SIC conducts periodic surveys to determine the educational priorities and concerns of the community.
Council membership includes the Principal, Assistant Principal, teachers, parents, and community members. Parents and teachers are elected by their peer groups and serve for terms of 2 years. Parents must have a child in the school for the duration of their term. The Principal appoints community members for one-year terms.
SIC meetings are held monthly and are open to the public. Time is available for unscheduled agenda items that members of the community might wish to present for the Council’s consideration. Parents and community members are encouraged to read the SIP and the monthly meeting minutes and to discuss their thoughts, ideas or concerns personally with Council members, as well as at the meetings.
Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
The purpose of the Westminster/Meetinghouse PTO is to promote a good relationship between home and school so that parents and teachers may work together to provide the best learning environment for our children. Good communication and cooperation is vital to the positive development and education of each child.
The PTO provides many services and funds many projects not funded by the school budget. This is possible due to your generous support of our annual fund-raiser.
The Westminster/Meetinghouse PTO is a very active and dedicated group of individuals who work extremely hard throughout the school year on a variety of projects and events.
The following is a sample list of PTO committees:
Babysitting Fundraising Publicity Spaghetti Supper
Colonial Days Holiday Workshop Refreshments Staff Appreciation
Cultural Events Playground Retirement Wish List
PTO business meetings are held every month. Notices are sent home prior to each meeting, and are posted on the school websites. Any communications for the PTO can be left in the PTO box at the WES or MHS office, or feel free to contact any of the current board members. Come and support our school. Become involved!!!