Student Handbook - Safety and Transportation
Student Handbook
Bus Policy
The Ashburnham-Westminster School District‘s bus policy is set by the A-W School Committee and is subject to state regulations.
Buses must not be defaced in any way. The bus driver has the same authority during a student’s transit that the teachers do in the classroom. Students should remember this: bus drivers are teachers and the bus is their classroom. Students should treat them that way and follow all the rules of bus safety and conduct listed below:
∙ Crowding or pushing is NOT allowed when entering or exiting the bus.
∙ When waiting for the bus at home or at school, approach the bus only AFTER it comes to a complete stop.
∙ When approaching or leaving the bus, look both ways before crossing the street. Cross in front of the bus; the flashing lights will protect you, but you must still proceed with caution.
∙ Always stay in your seat while the bus is in motion.
∙ Keep your hands and head inside the bus.
∙ Shouting or loud talking is NOT allowed on school buses.
∙ Littering or eating is NOT allowed on the bus.
∙ Never run between a line of buses
The School Administration has the right to suspend bus privileges as a consequence for inappropriate behavior.
Parents who choose to allow their students to walk to school should be aware that there are currently no crossing guards or walking patrol monitors in place. Children should abide by safety rules when walking, such as using sidewalks whenever possible, looking both ways before crossing streets, etc. Walkers will be dismissed after all of the buses have been dismissed.
Students in K-3 are not allowed to ride bikes to school unless they are accompanied by an adult. Bike racks are provided for WES students who wish to ride their bikes to school. Students may ride their bikes if:
- a) They have their parent’s or guardian’s consent (Grades 4 and 5 only) One note for the year is sufficient.
- b) The path they must follow is not deemed unnecessarily DANGEROUS.
- c) They have a safety helmet.
The school reserves the right to deny or rescind permission for a student to ride a bike to school.
Mass. State Law requires all children under age twelve to wear a safety helmet when riding a bicycle. No student will be knowingly dismissed from WES to ride a bike home without a helmet.
Students are encouraged to lock their bikes at all times. Students should also be aware of bicycle safety rules and use caution and courtesy when approaching pedestrians.
Bikers are dismissed after all of the buses have been called.
Drop Off / Pick Up
Parents who wish to drive their children to school should drop them off at 8:20 am.
Please pick up students at the designated pick-up area after school at 2:55 pm.